-10% on all subscriptions with the code: BLADE10!
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Earn monthly recurring revenues.

Earn 50% commission on every sale you make, every month for life.

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Join the program

Create your affiliate link. Enter basic information about yourself. It's free and easy to sign up.


Talking about Spytik in your videos, blogs, social media posts, podcasts, and other platforms.

Earn Money

Every time someone signs up, Spytik will reward you for it by paying you a 50% commission.


How often are payouts made?

You'll receive your payment automatically on the 7th of each month, exclusively through PayPal and Bank.You need to earn a minimum of 50 USD in commissions to get paid, and the payment process may take a few days, so please allow 3-5 days for the funds to appear in your account.

How to track the referred signup?

You can check your referrals by logging into your affiliate account. If you've correctly used your unique referral URL, the information on your dashboard will be accurate.

Can I advertise using my affiliate link?

Paid ads are not allowed. If you use paid advertising, your commissions will not be paid. We conduct regular checks and may ask you to provide proof of the methods you used to generate sales if there is any doubt.

Any other questions?

If you have any more questions, contact us by email at contact@spytik.com  (we usually respond within 24 hours).